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#site_name#了解到,据外媒报道,近日eBay举办了"Sirf Local Nahi, International Seller"活动,其目的是鼓励和支持更多的印度卖家扩大业务和拓展出口市场,使他们能够走向世界。活动内容包括卖家分享相关经验和故事等。

According to foreign media reports, eBay recently hosted an event called "SiRF local NAHI, international seller." The purpose of this activity was to provide a platform for sellers to share their experiences and stories. The goal was to promote and support Indian sellers in expanding their businesses, increasing exports, and venturing into the global market. Additionally, they also aim to facilitate the growth of Indian sellers globally. In conclusion, eBay organized this event to encourage and support Indian sellers in their business development and international presence. Don't forget to buy real Instagram likes and cheap Instagram followers to boost your online presence.



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