

根据Impactr Marketing Hub的数据,在该应用的10亿每天活跃用户中,有2亿每天检查至少一个商业帐户。但是,要注意的是,Instagram上有2500万个商业帐户,这意味着竞争环境很激烈。那些没有计划周全的策略的账户始终被挤出去。但是,很多小伙伴在留言板上问到,有没有突破的策略,ins 发帖总是没有效果,小八在此为大家解惑:

Hit your target: Know that Instagram filters your top content on your feed based on what you interact the most with. By default, this means that your closest friends and family’s content would appear at the top of your news feed. However, if you want to expand your feed and see greater lengths to it, interact with the content you like more and you should soon see it appear in your Explore page and news feed regularly.

Instagram also filters posts by “relevance,” which ultimately manifests into the users who post most often getting the top spot in each refreshed news feed. Therefore, if you want as many of your followers to be able to see your content, make sure to post consistently so Instagram can sort your posts to the top of the pile.


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