买IG粉 市场将与shopee虾皮跨境合作。从今天开始,Shopee市场推出了一项重要合作。

🟨🟧🟩🟦vx: 『 https://t.me/buyfensi/ 』 , ins刷赞,ins 涨粉,ins买粉丝,ins 涨 粉,Instagram刷粉,IG华人赞,ins华人粉,instagram 运营,IG点赞分享,买IG粉,ins粉赞,IG自动赞,IG 自动按赞,ins 买 粉丝🟨🟧🟩🟦

【注意】每次收到起诉会通过 KAM team 通知卖家,卖家一般有 1-2 天内处理(提供授权证件或删除产品);若不处理当地 QC 会删除 reason code 为 Hàng vi phạm quyền sở hữu trí tuệ", "reason_id": 233(版权侵犯)

The Kam team will inform the seller whenever they receive a lawsuit. The seller is typically given 1-2 days to respond by providing the authorization certificate or removing the product. Failure to do so will result in the local QC deleting the reason code, which is identified as "Hàng Vi Phar Quyền sở hữu trí tuệ" with the ID "233" for copyright infringement. Additionally, you can purchase cheap Instagram likes and receive 100 likes for free.

① FSS 免运项目的参加费率将从 3%调整为 4%,但每件商品佣金上限仍为 10K VND。 ② 当FSP与虾币返现项目(CCB)同时参加时,服务费费率将从5%调整为6%,但每件商品佣金上限仍为20K VND(商品佣金上限不变)。


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